Typically, in the south, we will have a couple of inches during the night, and by noon the next day, it will warm up enough to melt most everything away...not this time. We had several days after this one where it never even got back to 32 degrees...
The road crews were swamped just trying to keep the Interstates and Highways clear, and couldn't clear the main or secondary roads, much less out of the way neighborhoods and country streets. So, we were homebound for the better part of a week. Schools were closed and most businesses were shut down, at least for a few days.
I finally got to come back to work today (Friday)! It was so nice to get out of the house and back outside!

A couple of days after the storm, the sun came out and began to thaw things a bit. The photos below were taken on Wednesday, and the roads were still pretty bad. One of the problems we have here, is the terrain is very hilly. On Thursday, Ben and I managed to get The car out of the driveway. it took about 30 minutes, a bag of salt, a shovel, some hot water, and lots of determination. We even managed to get out of our neighborhood, but we weren't able to conquer the first semi-hill we came to. We made 4 running attempts, and would almost get to the top, before sliding backwards. We finally decided it wasn't worth ending up in the ditch.

Thankfully, we kept power during the whole thing and I was able to keep myself occupied creating glass and experimenting with Copper enameling. Below are some shots of what I worked on while snowbound.

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