Friday, August 19, 2011

Design Time

I really love designing logos. I enjoy staring at a blank screen, a blank scrap of paper, thinking, scribbling, interpreting, sketching. It is fun to begin to personify an idea, to bring out the personality, voice and feel of a person's company or hobby. There is such satisfaction in finding just the right image, just the perfect font, and color scheme that brings an idea to life.

I had a chance recently to work on an image for someone I met at the show in Pendleton, SC. She makes these fabulous, colorful, creative beads using a torch and glass rods. I just love her work! We sat down for an hour, looked at beads and talked about what she was thinking about her new image or logo.

She gave me a quick lesson and even allowed me to attempt to create a bead myself. She made it look so simple. Her work was graceful and lovely. My attempt was clumsy and required several restarts! You have to turn this rod continually while heating glass with a torch. Apparently, I can't do those 2 things consistently and simultaneously ( think pat your head and rub your tummy, or walk and chew gum). But with her patient tutoring, I ended up with a functional, although very basic bead.

After a few days of contemplation on our discussions, I began the process of creating her new look. I wanted to capture the creativity, the color, the elegance and vibrancy of her work. I tried various ideas, sketched this and that, and this is the final logo design.

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